Graphics Gallery 3

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Hello, my creations are kindnessware. If you  download any of them, please, try to be kind  to people around you for the rest of the day.

I wish you well.

Aunty Pear

EVJ@Melissa_Button.jpg (7029 bytes)    EVJ@Kia-Button.jpg (4410 bytes)    EVJ@Anna button.jpg (9251 bytes)

EVJ@Annie button.jpg (14977 bytes)    EVJ@Ariel button.jpg (14217 bytes)   EVJ@As it is Button.jpg (9861 bytes)

EVJ@Aussie rosie button.jpg (12850 bytes)  EVJ@New-try-button.jpg (5055 bytes)   EVJ@Becca button.jpg (9662 bytes)